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With our latest product STEREO, we are clearly going in several directions in terms of functionality: Two light sources on a light head, which is reminiscent of the shape of a microphone from the 1960s, allow you to create different light sculptures and use the light for reading at the same time. Thanks to the independent operation of the two light sources, you no longer have to choose between indirect and direct light: you simply get both! With the deliberately freely hanging cable of the light head, which is plugged onto the telescope, we evoke associations with a rock stage and our star is called: STEREO. By adding a "light sail", you can create two variants of mood lighting that were previously not available at less'n'more.
Design by Kai Steffens

Two light sources on a light head that is reminiscent of the shape of a microphone from the 1960s. Both light sources can be rotated 350° and dimmed separately.
The light head can be attached vertically or horizontally.

The optional "light sail" creates atmospheric room light upwards in addition to the directed reading light downwards.

The deliberately and casually hanging textile cable evokes the association of a rock stage - and our star is called: STEREO

The base is cast in its form from the finest béton brut. The natural concrete look is then waxed and polished by hand.
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