Strolling through the forests of Madagascar, one might be lucky enough to admire a wonderfully luminous chameleon. But as soon as it feels discovered, it becomes almost invisible, as if at the push of a button. In biology, this effect of camouflage is called mimesis.
With our luminaires, we call it Mimix! Inspired by the fascinating camouflage artists from the forests of Madagascar, our recessed spotlight Mimix also uses this effect of camouflage. The spotlight, which is encased in concrete, masters the art of disappearance almost effortlessly - by integrating itself almost unnoticed into the architecture of the room, if desired. How does this work in practice? Mimix install, plaster and paint. Furthermore, the luminaire family with its 230-volt LEDs features our innovative "easy to use" LED technology. Freed from a power supply unit, the spotlights can simply be connected, switched on and used with conventional wall dimmers or switches.
Less is more - our idea of foolproof application.